Sadie's catch phrase this weekend- "it's kinda easy" we have no idea where she picked it up but we hear it a lot at dinner time.
And the children have discovered Disney's Peter Pan. Sadie asked Daddy when he came home from work the other day "Daddy, can I fly to Neverland with Peter Pan and Wendy and Michael?" Caleb enjoys the crocodile that chases after Captain Hook.
Sharing little bits about our family, our struggle to cope with and understand Asperger's and the imaginations of a boy and girl.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The New Bed (Part I)
We had this crazy idea to get the kids bunk beds (Sadie needs something in the house to climb on now that the weather is cold). Unfortunately, they didn't send us all that we needed to build the entire set. So last night Andy and I put together the bottom bunk and moved Sadie's crib to the basement.
Tonight, with the kids back from G'ma's house (thoroughly worn out) we found a little problem at bedtime. Sadie was very excited to be in a big girl bed and Caleb was also looking forward to sleeping in the new bed. They both cried when asked to sleep in Caleb's toddler bed (that's still in it's usual spot). So we asked them if they wanted to share the new bed and this is what we got.
And I can happily report that by 8:30 they were passed out and at 10:30 (when we last checked on them) they were sleeping right next to each other. Sadie had turned herself around so that her head was right near her big brother.
We'll see how early they're up in the morning :-)
Tonight, with the kids back from G'ma's house (thoroughly worn out) we found a little problem at bedtime. Sadie was very excited to be in a big girl bed and Caleb was also looking forward to sleeping in the new bed. They both cried when asked to sleep in Caleb's toddler bed (that's still in it's usual spot). So we asked them if they wanted to share the new bed and this is what we got.
And I can happily report that by 8:30 they were passed out and at 10:30 (when we last checked on them) they were sleeping right next to each other. Sadie had turned herself around so that her head was right near her big brother.
We'll see how early they're up in the morning :-)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sadie's 2nd Year

I realize I haven't been keeping up with this very well lately. I would say that I've been really busy but that isn't really an excuse. I have been fortunate to have had lots of photo session these past couple months so it looks like Jodi Walsh Photography will continue in 2009. I think it's more that I haven't felt like I have a lot to say. But since I did a big update on Caleb when he turned 3, it's only fair that I give you all the same update for Sadie.
Well, Sadie is very different from Caleb. We've been thinking of her as a 2 yr old since at least the beginning of summer. She's been talking non-stop since about 16 mos (which couldn't have been more different than Caleb not talking until he was almost 2). She's our active child with only 2 settings, moving and asleep but even asleep she moves all around but it's quieter.
We're convinced that she is either going to grow up to be an stunt woman or a physical comedienne since she has mastered the art of falling and takes great pride in falling and having people laugh at her. It's not unusual to see her sprawled on the floor grinning from ear to ear. We made the decision early that we weren't going to fuss over falls with both kids and taught them to say "ka-blooey" when they fell. Well, this might have back-fired with Sadie because she now loves to fall whether, jumping off the stairs, flopping on her diaper-padded rear, or doing belly smackers on the floor, she just laughs and jumps up ready to do it again.
She also loves dancing and music and will mimic (or try to mimic) dances that she sees on TV. She's recently discovered ballerinas and will try to ballerina twirl. At 2 she has mastered walking in high-heels (something I have yet to do). She loves dress up and has even gotten her big brother to play along.
She's the little mama, always trying to take care of everyone. Offering encouragement to Caleb on the potty, getting his milk for him, and often just patting him on the back when he needs it. We often hear her little voice asking "What's wrong?" when there's any indication that things aren't going well.
As I mentioned earlier, she started talking pretty early. She will say anything and understands so much. She has started picking up phrases from books. Not memorizing entire books like her brother but I've caught her a few times looking through Monster at the End of the Book saying "You turned the page."
Bear continues to be her faithful companion, joined sometimes by Baby and Daisy (a new doll from her birthday). She also loves the Little People and often talks to them and calls them her friends. She's been a little more hooked on TV than Caleb and will wake up asking to watch Sid the Science Kid, Mis Street (Sesame Street) or Jeopardy but she's never too upset when the answer is no.
Sadie, we're learning, has the makings of a social butterfly. Kids seem to be drawn to her, maybe it's that she follows them around until they just get used to her being there. I don't know. I think she's cute but I'm also a little biased. Most recently, she's charmed some little girls in Caleb's pre-school class. Picking up Caleb, I often hear the little girls saying good-bye to Sadie as we leave. I can't help but wonder how she's going to do next year when she's actually in pre-school. They might not be ready for her.
Other things we're learning about Sadie... she loves meat (meatloaf, spaghetti and meatballs, hamburgers, kielbasa and sausage- daddy's girl). She also loves her treats and often asks for a treat for finishing her treats. She doesn't seem to have the same pickiness that Caleb has or rather the treats are just more motivating to her than her brother.
Well, that's our little princess, even Caleb calls her his princess and we love her dearly and can't wait to see how she grows in 2009.
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