Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I just caught this moment this morning and thought it was too cute to not post right away. It's become such a challenge to get these two to stand together, I have to be quick with the camera when I do catch them.

This should please the grandparents :-)
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Hamper Monster

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of the infamous Hamper Monster! yes, this creature invades our house when mommy has the chance to do laundry and leaves that empty hamper around to gobble small children...namely Sadie. i'm hoping to get some nicer shots of the hamper monster but these will have to do. apparently, unlike Sadie, the hamper monster is camera shy. who would have thought :-P

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sadie Says IIII

The other night with daddy-

Andy was reading their bedtime story from big book of Curious George stories (the new favorite book). Caleb has been favoring Curious George gets a Medal. The story begins with Curious George gets a letter from the museum director. This evening, Andy started reading the letter "Dear George..." and Sadie stopped him. She very innocently asked, "Daddy, are you praying to George?" It gave us quite the little laugh and at the same time is encouraging to know the little one is listening when we pray to God. :-)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Caleb Spells

We were waiting for Sadie to finish her lunch this afternoon and Caleb came running into the living room, saying "I made GO!" So I followed him back into the kitchen and he happily pointed out G-O on the refrigerator with the magnets. He was very proud of himself.

He's been able to read and spell stop (just saying the letters). This was the first time he grabbed the letters himself to spell a word. Pretty cool watching him learn.