This afternoon, we were treated to a private performance by a budding superstar singer - Sadie! (Like all the greats, she is known simply by her first name.) The concert was a delightful mix of Sadie originals (including her famous "Cowboy Song") and standards like "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "ABCs", as well as a few seasonal favorites like "Jingle Bells."
Of course, even when she is covering a well-worn chestnut like "Jingle Bells," Sadie manages to inject it with her own original flair. Here are Sadie's lyrics for this particular number:
"Jingle Bells,
Jingle Bells,
All the way!
Oh what fun it is to play
Oh it is so fun...HEY!
Jingle Bells,
Jingle Bells,
All the way!
Oh what fun it is to play."
Each number was met with riotous applause. At times, one might have thought that Sadie was waiting expectantly for it. But this little nightengale is no diva; she thanked her audience profusely after each outpouring of affection and she graciously took a number of requests. When she was unfamiliar with a suggested tune, she was quick to provide an alternative. And on a few occasions, she had to postpone a particular request, presumably to help it fit better into the flow of her setlist. But we were always promised that we would hear that song "in 5 minutes."
As if her remarkable singing talents weren't enough, Sadie also demonstrated a finely honed comedic sense as well. For instance, consider how she handled a request for "The Bear Went Over the Mountain":
"OK, I'm going to sing 'The Bear Went OVer the Mountain.'
Hmm... what are the words to that one? Hmm...Let me think about that. Aaahhh, I've got it!
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the mountain,
The bear went over the moun-TAIN!!!"
Unfortunately, video and audio recording were strictly forbidden at this performance. We certainly understand Sadie's decision to tightly manage her public image at this early stage of her career; the wordly is hardly bereft of young starlets who could have benefited from more discretion. Nevertheless, it seems a shame to deny the rest of the world the opportunity to experience Sadie's prodigous talents. Therefore, we were able to smuggle out this short clip of Sadie performing one of her signature originals, "I Love You." We were told that this was the world premiere of this number; after listening, I think you will agree that this song, like Sadie, is destined for great things.
Sharing little bits about our family, our struggle to cope with and understand Asperger's and the imaginations of a boy and girl.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sadie's Birthday Pics!
We celebrated Sadie's birthday a couple weeks ago at my mom's. She and Aunt u surprised us by putting together an awesome cake for Sadie. What a way to receive your very first Barbie doll?!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Quick Bits
Sadie had her 3 yr check up this morning and provided quite the entertainment the whole time. I was a bit shocked to have her tell me in front of the doctor that "Girls don't read books" after I told her to try to read a book to herself while I finished up with the doctor. I glanced up to see the doctor raise his eyebrows and wonder where she might have heard that. I honestly have know idea where she got that and proceeded to feel awful that somehow my daughter has already picked up this idea about what girls do and don't do.
And now this evening, Sadie decided to start calling me Lady and is insisting that I call her Carrie. Not sure where that name came from but all her dolls have been named Lady. We'll see how long this goes.
Finally, at bedtime, Caleb read to Daddy and Sadie about the 10 pla-goos in the Bible.
And now this evening, Sadie decided to start calling me Lady and is insisting that I call her Carrie. Not sure where that name came from but all her dolls have been named Lady. We'll see how long this goes.
Finally, at bedtime, Caleb read to Daddy and Sadie about the 10 pla-goos in the Bible.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sadie Says- a contribution from Andy (aka Daddy)
I had the day off today and we had Brandon visiting for the afternoon, so we decided to all go to the Carnegie Museum to look at the dinosaurs. On the way over, the three kids were chatting about dinosaurs. Someone brought up Stegosaurus. Jodi asked if Stegosaurus was a plant-eater or a meat-eater. Caleb immediately replied "Plant-eater!" At which point Sadie, in her most professorial tone, chimed in: "I thought he was a hervidore [herbivore] of the Cretaceous." Apparently someone has been paying attention during "Dinosaur Train".
Later, at the museum, after looking at the dinosaurs for a while, Sadie announced "I want to go fix rocks." After a few seconds of head-scratching, we realized she was talking about the faux paleontological dig they have set up for the kids. Each kid gets a chisel and a brush (and safety goggles, of course) and gets to scrape dirt off of dinosaur bones. Apparently Sadie had remembered this exhibit from a previous outing, but hadn't quite grasped the purpose. Hey, they gave her tools and told her to go work on the rocks - what else was she supposed to think?
Later, at the museum, after looking at the dinosaurs for a while, Sadie announced "I want to go fix rocks." After a few seconds of head-scratching, we realized she was talking about the faux paleontological dig they have set up for the kids. Each kid gets a chisel and a brush (and safety goggles, of course) and gets to scrape dirt off of dinosaur bones. Apparently Sadie had remembered this exhibit from a previous outing, but hadn't quite grasped the purpose. Hey, they gave her tools and told her to go work on the rocks - what else was she supposed to think?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sadie Turns 3!

It's been a long year and it's been quite awhile since I last posted. More on that later...
Tomorrow Sadie celebrates her 3rd birthday and we're all excited (but that could also be attributed to the sugar high leftover from Halloween). Sadie has had a very busy year and has certainly kept us on our toes.
She continues to be our little ball of energy, constantly on the go, never just walking but more like bouncing from place to place. Thinking about it now, it's endearing. Trying to cross a busy city street, it's frustrating to no end. She continues to love dancing and is still our stunt woman in training. Where some little girls have a natural grace, not Sadie. I often think that instead of calling her our little Peanut, we should have nicknamed her Tigger. Sadie is frequently sprawled out on the floor either tripping or diving for effect. We're definitely thinking this child may have a future as a stunt woman or physical comedian. Often when we're out shopping she'll dive across the floor and you'll hear woman gasp and then bend over her asking if she's okay. She always pops right up and declares for all "I'm okay."
While these stunts can be entertaining, they've also caused our family some concern. Sadie has no fear and will attempt things that you would never begin to think of doing, like free falling backwards at G'ma Suzie's and Papa Joe's and landing flat on her back on the cement floor. She knocked the wind out of herself a little but was otherwise okay. I can't count how many times she's knocked the wind out of herself this year and yet we've managed to not have to visit the ER yet for this one (knock on wood). Because of Sadie's fearlessness and her desire to be a monkey, we put her on the top bunk when we got the kids bunk beds for Christmas. She loved it right away and hasn't fallen out once (knock on wood again). She also got roller skates for Christmas and has gotten fairly good at them but is actually a bit cautious and only recently started trying it without holding my hand.
Sadie leaves us exhausted most days but does manage to have her quiet moments. She (like big brother) loves books and reading and listening to stories. There has been some frustration over the past few months for her, though. Sadie often forgets that she isn't the same age as Caleb and thinks that she should be able to do everything that he can do. When he started reading this past spring, Sadie became so frustrated she would just pout and say "I can't read the words. I just can't do it." We've spent a lot of time reminding her that it's okay and that Caleb couldn't read at this age either and that she'll learn soon. So even though she can't read the words, she has quite the imagination and will look at her books and make up the stories herself.
Speaking of imagination... this child is something else. Starting at about this time last year, she became obsessed with babies. As she grew older, she began turning anything and everything into a mommy and a baby. At dinner time, eating french fries, we would listen to her talking to her food. First the mommy would go into her tummy and then baby would follow. There have been many shows at lunch time and dinner time. And again, it's so cute as I write it out here and yet so frustrating as we try to get her to finish her supper.
Her imagination has been such a blessing to our family. She loves to pretend and she loves to get her brother to pretend with her. Much of these games of pretend he's learned from her. They pretend to go to the doctor's or to the store or even fishing.
While she loves her babies, surprisingly, her favorite toys to play with are not babies. She loves her Little People. They all have names and go on adventures all through the house. There is frequently someone in need of rescuing these days- not quite sure where that came from.
Sadie is also our artist. She loves to draw and paint (as much on herself as on paper) and these days she's very proud of her circles. There were many days this summer where Caleb would drive his car outside and she would paint at the easel.
In other developmental areas, we're still working on the potty with her. She's shown interest in it many times but we haven't been able to completely put it all together but we're working on it. Her reward for going potty is a jelly bean and a bugs bunny cartoon.
That would be Sadie's other obsession- the TV. This has been very difficult for us to find a balance with. Caleb will watch but will also often ignore it if it's on. Not Sadie. If the magic box is on, she is in a trance and one show is never enough. So the challenge is that I don't want to be the "no TV" mom but I don't want her addicted to it so this is one of our struggles these days.
Other big news...Sadie started pre-school this year. She goes Monday and Wednesday mornings and happens to be in a class with 2 of Caleb's teachers from last year. She loves going to school and her teachers and classmates. It's been so funny to watch her strut through the school and inform everyone that she's going to her class. I can't wait 'til she starts going to music and movement classes in the spring.
With pre-school, there have been developing friendships. This has also been fun to watch. Last year a couple of girls in Caleb's class latched on the Sadie and she became part of their group. They would run around the yard after school and have lots of fun. Sadie continues to idolize these girls but has also been developing friends in her class. She's going to be my social butterfly. Also, friends of ours from Canada are spending half the year here in Pittsburgh. They have 4 yr old twins who are in the same class as Caleb. Sadie and Caleb love these boys and often can't go too many days without asking to see them. Sadie in particular always seems to team up with Andrew. It's so sweet to watch. Yesterday when we went trick or treating, Andrew and brother, Brandon came with us. Andrew was a knight and had to protect Sadie, the ballerina. At one point, he was holding up his sword, with his arm around her saying "I save you." Too cute.
Sadie has been talking for awhile fact I have trouble remembering a time when she didn't talk. She is constantly talking. Of course this means we get no end of funny little things that she comes up with. Recently, while fighting a cold, Daddy was getting her ready for bed. She and Caleb had been in the bathtub and now it was time for pjs. Daddy went to put some Vicks on her chest and she asked what is was. He told her "This is some medicine that will help you breathe." Her eyes got very wide and with excitement she asked "Under water?" Apparently she had been trying to be The Little Mermaid in the bathtub and was disappointed at not being able to be underwater. Sadly, Daddy had to explain that no, Vicks would not help her breathe underwater.
Sadie is the source of much laughter and frustration and we love her dearly! We're looking forward to seeing how she grows in the coming year and feel so blessed to have her in our family!
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