Well, what a start to 2010. That's the last time we get the kids bikes for Christmas. Any other year, we'd be having a heat wave and I'd be going crazy trying to come up with things to do for the kids. This year, we've been stuck inside and still going crazy trying to find things to do.
30+ inches of snow! Absolutely crazy! It shut us down for a week. We did manage to get the kids out in it a bit but even then there was too much snow for them to do anything in. Poor Sadie was confined to the shoveled sidewalk. She attempted to make it to the backyard one afternoon but she just kind of fell on her face and when she started loosing her boots, I said that's enough.
In true Sadie fashion though, she was able to come up with her own games. Apparently Sadie has an extensive interest in collecting snowballs and her collection covers most of our yard. While Daddy shoveled, Sadie collected her snowballs and carefully his them back in the piles of snow. It was so cute to watch. I really wish I had taken video of it. We managed to get Caleb out in the snow too and took a couple of walks down the street. Sadie picked up more snowballs for her collection on the way.
Caleb enjoyed the snow only until his gloves got wet. As soon as he could feel the wetness, he was done and ready to come inside.
The kids missed almost 2 weeks of school. That was not really fun. While they played pretty well, towards the end of week #2 they began to really start picking at each other. We made it back this week for 2 days but today school was closed because of more snow. I'll be so happy when spring gets here.
Since we were stuck inside for so much of the time, the kids had to come up with new games. Well, recently, Caleb decided to open a bookstore in his bed. He lays out the his books and Sadie gets one of her bag and shops. He'll also happily tell you that his bookstore also sells toys (and this week keys when Mommy locked Pappy out of the house). He's also been known to show movies in his bookstore and they'll climb into his house (his bed) and sit there pretending to watch movies. Unfortunately, many of the movies that Sadie requests are not being shown (he can be such a stinker).
His bookstore is appropriately named, Caleb's Bookstore. Maybe he'll be opening a chain. But don't worry, he's still a policeman and he'll quickly tell you that but it's nice to see him branching out. He's also been following Handy Manny and dons his trusty tool belt to fix things throughout the house- like the elevator button? Well, he still likes to go along with a script but it's so great to see him pretending more and more these days (and not just going along with whatever wackiness that Sadie comes up with).
Well, I'll be posting snow pictures later but that's all for now.