We did it.
We made a trip up to camp- for those of you who don't know, this is my dad's camp in Crossfork, PA (aka the middle of no where) : ) The last time we were there was over our Christmas travels and we just stopped by for a short visit before heading home. This was our first weekend up there with both kids and it went really well. Grammie and Grandpa were prepared with a pack-n-play, high-chair, some toys, a puzzle, and several books that kept Caleb busy the entire time. He had lots of trouble deciding between driving his trucks on the porch or reading books. Sadie loved just sitting on the rug and playing with the over-sized checkers. She would dump them out of the basket and Caleb would clean them up.
The trip up was pretty uneventful until we were just outside of Renovo (a small town about 30 minutes to camp). That's when Caleb got carsick. Now, driving out in this area, there are no places to pull over and take care of things like this. Out in this country, you really need to think about how much gas you have in your car because you don't always know when you'll find the next gas stations. So, like I said, we were about 10 min. outside of Renovo and had a big mess to clean up. Andy and I put down the windows and did our best to stay calm. Caleb seemed alright given what he was covered in and Sadie seemed alright even though she was not particularly happy at waking up to Caleb being sick.
We got to town and as we were driving to the grocery store, it started pouring down rain. We managed to get everything cleaned up and get Caleb in a new set of clothes (I definitely recommend keeping a change of clothes in the diaper bag for emergency situations). Then we were ready to go the rest of the way to camp. Fortunately, the rest of the trip there and the trip home were uneventful and easier on the stomach since we took a different road home.
At camp, Caleb quickly discovered the new toys and stories and stayed busy playing. We put together Sadie's exersaucer and she just loved sitting and chattering away to everyone. The kids slept well that night, exhausted from not sleeping much on the drive up and then running around, exploring the place. On Sunday morning, Grammie took Caleb out to feed the birds at the bird feeder. He loved throwing handfuls of seed on the ground and then clapping after he was done. He also liked watching for cars from the porch and wrestling with Grandpa in the upstairs bedroom. Then, Sunday night, he watched Cars (the Pixar movie) for the first time.
Monday morning started a little too early for Andy and I with Sadie waking up at 4 and then waking Caleb up. I was able to get him back to sleep and then settle her down but by then it was already 5. We went back to sleep thinking that she would sleep in but she decided it was time to get up at 7:30. Andy took care of her then so that I could get some more sleep. Caleb slept until 9. Once we were all up and fed, it was time to pack up and head home. So that's what we did.
Caleb's new word...
Up at camp, Caleb's new word was "no, no, no". Caleb would say this over and over in a very sweet voice. Sometimes he would be talking and we would hear him say "no, no, no, da da, no, no, no" I want to try to get a video clip of it cause it's so cute.