Caleb's new achievement.... he was able to put his Thomas tracks together by himself this morning. The ends of the tracks go together almost like jigsaw puzzle pieces and they've been frustrating him because he couldn't get them together or a part but that has changed now. I wasn't really even paying attention, just looked up and he had the ring together and was clapping (of course- anything he does gets applause).
Caleb also was giving Miss Jean (the neighbor kisses). She came over to visit and was holding him and giving him hugs when she said "I love you" Caleb responded by kissing her cheek. She then told him to say "I love you". Again, he kissed her cheek. She said "no, say I love you" but he just shook his head.
Sadie continues to enjoy sitting up and eating whatever gets even remotely close to her mouth. When we hold her she'll often just come at you with arms and mouth open, ready to get any part of you in her mouth. She is also the bendiest little thing. Sitting in her carseat today, I thought I thought it was funny that I could only see one leg (I figured she was chewing on her toes). I looked a little closer and yes, she was chewing on one set of toes and holding onto the other set also up by her head.
Here's a cute picture of Sadie I got yesterday.
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