Not a lot to report this week. Had an uneventful weekend which was nice since we have some busy weekends coming up (family pictures and a trip to Iowa). The rugrats tried out the wading pool on Saturday afternoon. Sadie seemed to enjoy just sitting in the water watching everything that was going on. Caleb wasn't so interested in swimming. He preferred to sit out on the front steps and watch the cars. I've been wondering if he's not sure about getting his bathing suit wet. I also tried to get him to try a popsicle but he wanted none of that. He did enjoy sharing bites of my twist-in-a-cup-with-rainbow-sprinkles.
On Saturday morning, Caleb and I went to Barnes and Nobles for a storytime with Spot the dog. He really liked it and wasn't afraid of Spot at all. He gave Spot 2 hugs without me even having to push him into it. It's a nice little thing they do over there. They read a couple of stories. Then the kids get to meet the character. Then they have cookies and get to color a picture. We met Elmo there in February and I think the next one is in August.
We tried to go swimming out in Derry yesterday but the weather wouldn't cooperate- of course, the day we try to relieve ourselves from the heat, it finally rains and cools everything off. Still, we had a nice visit and Caleb had a blast watching Grandpa's trucks.
Caleb is trying out more animal sounds. We can get something that sounds like "meow" for the cat and if you ask him what a duck says, he says "da". He's also started saying "way, way, way." We don't know what that means but he says it a lot. He's also saying "yes" almost as much as "no." It's nice now when we ask him a question, we can more often then not trust him to give us an answer. But there are still times when he says no to a cracker but still comes running for it.
Sadie is trying to stand a little. She can't quite pull herself up but if you stand her next to something she can hold onto, she'll stand there for a while. On Wednesday, we go to the doctor's for a weight check so we'll be able to see how much she's grown since starting on formula and baby food.
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