Andy got Caleb this morning when he woke up and as usual, changed his diaper and brought him downstairs for breakfast. We all had breakfast and after getting my shower, I thought it would be fun to walk Andy to work and take them to the park. I grabbed clothes for each of them and I dressed Caleb while Andy dressed Sadie. We got ready and headed out the door to the park. Caleb played while Sadie rested (she was wanting to nap but there's too much to see at the park). After about 45 minutes, Caleb came over to the stroller and seemed to want to go home so I put him in and we walked home. Sadie fell asleep on the way so I brought her into the house and put her in bed. Caleb got out of his stroller and into the Cozy Coupe and started to ride down the sidewalk. At the end of our walk, he stopped and as I watched him, I noticed water dripping out of the car. I went to see and it looked like his diaper hadn't been fastened right. I picked him up and carried him upstairs to the changing table, took off his pants and discovered no diaper at all.
Yes, it seems that this morning Andy forgot to to put a new diaper on him and then when I dressed him, I didn't notice the missing diaper because I had put on a long shirt that had covered his rear end. Then, I wasn't really paying attention when we pulled up his shorts either because I knew he had just gotten a new diaper. What's crazier is that when Andy got him off the changing table this morning, he fussed like he didn't want to go downstairs and kept pointing to the side of the table where the wipes and powder are but Andy couldn't figure out what he wanted. After a minute or so, Andy was able to get him to go downstairs and didn't think any more about it. Now we're convinced that he new the diaper was missing and just didn't have the words to tell us "silly people, I need a diaper".
The Visit
Grandma Walsh has gone home and it's back to normal- well, as normal as it can be considering the 4th of July is this week. We had lots of fun but it would seem that Caleb started the terrible two's towards the end of the visit. He really had a hard time listening and behaving himself. I had never seen him act the that as much. We're not sure if it was having the extra attention from Grandma or if his molars are still bugging him or what... Yesterday we started joking that it wasn't Caleb misbehaving, it was CJ. CJ was the one biting Daddy in church. CJ was the one throwing tantrums when told it was time to come inside and CJ was the one refusing to eat any of his meals. Then we started joking that Grandma needed to take CJ home with her and leave Caleb with us.
It looks like it has worked. He played nicely at the playground and voluntarily climbed into the stroller when he was ready to go home. At home, he played nicely with the cars and trucks and didn't need any time outs for throwing toys. He very sweetly picked up Sadie's juice cup and put it on her tray after she had thrown it on the floor. And we read 3 stories before going down for nap time and no fussing.
The only problem we've had today has been throwing his cup and dishes on the floor when he's finished with them. If anyone has any suggestions for that one, I would appreciate them. Andy and I have tried a bunch of things and I can't figure out why he does it.
Sadie is getting another tooth on the bottom and has started growling at us. It's so funny- she clenches her fists and growls with this silly grin on her face. Guess she already knows about girl power.
well, that's all for now
God Bless
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