Caleb is counting!! Can't quite believe it but he's been pretty consistent with counting the stairs when he walks down them- 1, 2, 3, 4 - we have more stairs than that but he doesn't seem to like the number 5. He won't say 5 but if you say 5, he'll say 6. I even think I heard him say 7 yesterday but I'm not sure about that.
Oh, I should probably add that this whole talking thing began last week when we were out in NJ with Andy's parents. He just started saying different words- so many that I can't keep track of them. A sample of his new vocab-
hot, help, up, down, boat, bus, dig, T, S (is pretty good at recognizing those letters) hi, bye, more, hat, all done... that's all that I can think of right now. He won't say these things when you ask him to. He only uses them when he needs to- definitely not into performing on demand. But it is wonderful that he's actually answering questions for real- like if you ask "do you want a grape?" and he says "yes", he really means yes. I even got him to point to his cheek when he hurt it this morning and I asked what hurts. He's really becoming this little person and it's so great to watch.
We also can't seem to keep him in puzzles although the most recent batch have been taking him longer to master. I picked up some little 12 piece jigsaw puzzles of construction vehicles and he loves putting those together but he needs help with them. He still likes putting together his other puzzles but that lasts only about 10 minutes, then he's looking for something else to do.
Sadie is becoming more and more adventurous. She's crawled into the kitchen a few times and has made a couple of pit stops at the cat food dish. She hasn't eaten any yet but there is more of a curiosity to it than Caleb had. Sadie loves her big brother and is already quite good at annoying him. It doesn't matter what he's doing, she wants to be right there with him, usually trying to pull up by grabbing his legs or shoulders. He tries to move away from her to do something else and she follows right after him. I move her away from him and try to interest her in another toy and she crawls right back to him. I'm working on teaching Caleb to say "no no" to her so he doesn't get too frustrated. He knows he has to be gentle with her but this could definitely be an interesting year with the two of them. They are starting to play together a little. This morning, Sadie had Caleb's drum and would hit it to start music playing. Then Caleb would dance to the music. Then Sadie would clap for Caleb dancing. This went on for a good while and was so cute to watch. Sadie's also babbling a lot more. Ma ma, Da da, Ga ga, Ba ba. We're hearing these sounds a lot more.
Sadie was in for her 9 mos checkup and is doing well. She's 17 lb 1 oz and is 28 in long. Caleb will be in for his 2 yr check up next month. Time is just going by so fast.
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