Monday, September 10, 2007

2 yr old Caleb

So I posted about the birthday party, now I thought I would update you on what all the big man is doing (don't worry, Sadie will also get a post-equal time and all)

We were at the doctor's today and Caleb is 34 and 1/2 inches tall and weighs 29 and 1/4 lbs. He's still on the tall side of things but is leveling out. Hopefully all the 2T clothes we have will last a bit longer.

Caleb did not like the doctor's visit at all which is surprising because he's never gotten that upset about going before. He didn't like the nurses, hated having his head measured and wouldn't talk to the doctor.

Caleb's vocab has really taken off over the past couple of weeks. He's regularly combining words together to make short sentences like "read, please." That's one we hear a lot but how can you say no when he asks so sweetly.

As I mentioned earlier, he recognizes all of the alphabet and can say all the letters except W. He's recently started trying to sing the alphabet, which is really cute to hear. He recognizes and says his numbers 1-10 and loves counting steps. However, we counting on his own, he doesn't seem to like the number 7. He'll only say it when he sees it.

He has also picked up his primary and secondary colors, thanks to the book Mouse Paint.

He's finally started saying cat and dog instead of "eow" and "woof." And he's also started saying Sadie but it sounds more like Sa-ie.

G'pa Joe taught him what fire crackers say so if you make a whistle like a bottle rocket, Caleb will supply the "bang". Speaking of bangs, dump trucks go "ee, ee, boom" according to Caleb and we've taught the boy that bears say "aa, aah, choo". That's from Bear Snores On.

I'm sure he says more but it's hard to keep track and you never know what he's going to decide to repeat. I told him last week "you're so funny" and he turned around and said "i so funny" back to me and has since started laughing and saying "ah's so funny". He also loves saying "eeinside" and that's to go inside and outside.

Caleb has gotten very good at climbing up and down the stairs and does it by himself sometimes (but I still get nervous not watching him). He's started running a little bit but it still looks a lot like a fast walk. At the playground he can climb up ladders and has climbed the cargo net with just a little help from mommy. And he loves going down the slide.

The boy still loves music and dancing and has added coloring and drawing to the mix. Outside it's with chalk- our sidewalk is almost always covered with drawings and marks of some sort. Inside it's crayons and markers. I'm slowly coming around to introducing him to paint. We'll see. He's also started playing with playdoh but isn't too into that. He really doesn't like touching weird things. But he did taste the playdoh and made a lovely face before deciding "yuck".

well, I think that's all I can think of for now. These past two years have gone by so quickly. I'm so excited to see him learning new things every day but sometimes I miss how small he used to be.

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