First off- Congrats to the NY Giants and their Super Bowl win!! while i will always be a die hard steeler fan (who has very limited interest in football if there is no black and gold on the field) i had to help my husband cheer on his team. he grew up just down the highway from Giant Stadium so how can you blame him. i tried to get Caleb to join in rooting for the Giants but he only cries out "go Steelers". G'ma Jody was even good enough to indulge me and mail us a Giant's shirt for Caleb to surprise daddy. well, the boy refused to wear it. Sadie, however, happily put it on for a bit on Friday (long enough for me to get a picture). then, it was still out in the living room yesterday morning so she insisted that she wear it over her pjs- all morning. so maybe Andy will get a Giants fan out of one of them. :-)
We're happy to report 2 successful days of napping and a much happier Caleb. ever since the cold a few weeks ago, he's been really resistant to napping and i don't know what to do with him. i put him in bed, he gets out and plays. i put him back in bed, he screams and cries. this goes on for the 2 hours or so that he used to sleep. then i give up and try to remain patient with the cranky toddler for the rest of the afternoon/evening. naptime went like this yesterday but fortunately i had Andy to help out. after we had enough, i decided to try one final strategy. i put him in bed (had my book with me) and sat down on the futon and read to myself without saying anything to him and only glancing up to give him the "i mean business" look when he seemed to be trying to sneak out of bed. he made 2 attempts to get out and then gave up and went to sleep.
We planned on using that same strategy again today but we didn't need to. Andy took him up, read stories and put him in bed. he went right to sleep. it was wonderful! i'm hoping that now he'll be used to that routine again and naptime will be easier this week. i need their naptime just as much as they need their naptimes!
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