With 2 kids under 3 yrs old, I think it was inevitable that we would have to make a call to poison control eventually. Yesterday was the day for it.
I was putting away some clothes in my room while Caleb and Sadie were playing in his room. Sadie came into my room a couple of times but didn't seem interested in what I was doing so she left pretty quick. I was just about finished when she came into my room a final time and I noticed that her mouth was green and she was chewing on something. I ran over to see that she had found a tube of paint and had been chewing on it. I took her into the bathroom, grabbed a washcloth and started trying to wipe out her mouth. She cleaned up fairly quickly and certainly didn't seem upset by the situation. I examined the tube more closely. It was kid friendly water color paint and I couldn't figure out how she had gotten anything out. The tube still appeared to be closed. Then I looked in the box where I had these extra art supplies and discovered that it was empty. I went back to Caleb's room and discovered another paint tube on the floor and this one had a big squirt of green paint oozing out the bottom along with tons of teeth marks. This tube was oil paint and I started getting concerned.
After talking with Andy briefly, we thought it would be best to check with poison control. Oil paints can have some nasty stuff in them to create the pigment.
I called and talked to a really nice woman who assured me, after getting the details, that Sadie would be fine. Neither one of us thought that she could have eaten more than a toothpaste sized amount and after giving the woman the ingredients she was sure that Sadie would be alright.
And for the concerned grandparents and relatives, I've made sure that my paints are either put up out of their reach or they've been pitched. No more paint eating for Sadie.
1 comment:
There must be something about tubes that fascinate children. I can't keep Annabelle away from the tubes of diaper rash ointment. She is forever grabbing them and opening them and sqirting them into her mouth. Changing her diaper was a royal pain because she would never sit still long enough for me to get the ointment out....she had to have it! I finally started to keep empty tubes around to keep her distracted long enough to get the diaper changed! :-)
I'm so glad Sadie is OK!!
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