hmm, it really has been awhile. Summer ended and for awhile it was busier than when the kids were in school. They did a week of camps at the museum (Caleb in Dino Camp, Sadie in Art Camp) and then went to vacation Bible school the next week. In the midst of that, Caleb had his evaluation for Kindergarten (testing to see if he would need special ed services or not).
All of this has been interesting and challenging and stressful for this mama. The boy has come through it all really well. I've been so proud and amazed by how he handled the transition from school to summertime. We haven't been completely bump free but we've been much better than previous years.
I'm not sure how much of it is him coping better and how much of it is us learning to read him better, to know when he's had too much and needs his space to quietly read or to spend an entire day in pjs.
I love my boy and I'm thrilled to watch him grow. I'm excited that he's ready to go to Kindergarten, that he's so smart and surprises me each day with some new fact that he's picked up somewhere (yesterday it was about the parts of an ant, head, thorax, abdomen).
At the same time, I'm scared for him. He's leaving my protection, my safe haven where it's just us and we understand him. He's going to be with other adults, with other children and sometimes those adults aren't going to be patient with him and sometimes those kids are going to be mean to him. I tear up thinking about it and yet I know, that's a part of growing up. I know that I can't always be with him and I know that if he's going to understand how to be with others, he's going to need to spend time with others and sometimes that will have to be without me. I know my boy is amazing and funny and such a sweetheart. I also know that he's kind of weird and can be hard to talk to and I'm praying every day that he gets to be with people who fall in love with all of his amazing qualities and can overlook his quirks.
I see him trying so hard and I wish I could make it easy for him. This week he tried a small bite of zucchini. For most people, this would not be something worth posting about. He took the bite without resisting or fighting us. He swallowed it even while gagging and then it all came back up. We don't yet know why his body is like this. We just know that he can't control it. As I was cleaning him up in the kitchen, he kept saying "Mommy, I'm sorry. I tried to keep it in."
Today we had lunch and playtime at McDonald's. It's been a nice place to meet one of Sadie's classmates there. We have a long lunch with plenty of breaks to play and there's a constant flux of kids in to eat and play. It can be stressful though, at least for me. Up in the tubes, I can't see what's going on and I can't always keep track of Caleb and how he's interacting with the other kids. It's a loud place and so of course, my kids are loud too. Unfortunately, Caleb's loud, weird voice sometimes can scare the kids. Caleb will be trying to play but to some kids, his playing can look aggressive. And of course today, after some time playing, a group of girls decided that they didn't really like Caleb being around them. They told their moms that he was trying to hit them. Then they (the girls) told me that he was trying to "beat them up." I did my best to assure them that he wouldn't hit them, that he just liked to be loud. I could see in their eyes, they didn't believe me. I pulled Caleb down to apologize to the girls. The girls gloated at Caleb that they had told his mom. I still have no idea what happened. He says the girls were being mean to him and I can believe that but I've also seen other kids unsure of him when he's yelling and carrying on.
It's these situations that make me nervous. It's these situations that make me pray more fervently for God to send him a special friend to navigate school with all it's complex social situations. We just hope for 1 friend.
you are a better person than I am. I would have said clearly to the girls that he was NOT trying to hit them, and said to the mom that he was not. The other mother should have known better. I am sorry this happened to Caleb. I can tell you that when we have our playdate, jamie will be right there sticking up for his friend. and the snotty girls can suck it :) - Val
thanks :-)
i don't really know how much the parents were aware but it's kind of crazy, i'm becoming so scared of little girls, especially when their in groups.
guess i'll fear them now and then fear them later for other reasons.
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