A busy weekend with a visit from CJ. CJ is Caleb's alter ego. CJ throws tantrums, misbehaves and generally spends his time in time out. CJ seems to be around most mornings until after he has an afternoon nap and then Caleb wakes up and plays with us happily until bedtime. CJ definitely tries our patience but our sweet Caleb was around for a good bit of the weekend.
Saturday we decided to try to find Trax Farm. We had no idea how big it was and spent a good 2 hours there. Caleb loved the petting zoo. His favorites were the horses and he almost went on a pony ride. We were going over to get in line for the pony rides when a little kids train came by and that was it for Caleb. He forgot about the ponies and only wanted to ride the train. He waited nicely in line with daddy and really enjoyed his ride.
Sadie liked the petting zoo too. She was not afraid at all of touching the different animals. The only problem we had was that she wanted to crawl and that was not a good idea.
After the train ride we got to climb on pumpkins. I think this was Sadie's favorite part. She seemed to really enjoy watching the kids and trying to climb on the big pile of pumpkins. Caleb was content to stay on the ground and just try to move the pumpkins. It was fun watching as he figured out that the could roll and he would push really hard until it moved. Caleb also liked the large wooded jack-o-lantern. He stood for the longest time just looking at it and saying "oh, beeg, pumpkin." The whole day was a lot of fun and I highly recommend going there for a visit.
Sunday was a day spent with CJ. It was amazing that we actually made it to church. The boy was being put in time out left and right for pushing Sadie or throwing toys or just needing some time to settle down. Apparently at church he was an angel (of course). We hoped Caleb would come home with us but even as we pulled in the driveway, we knew CJ had come home instead. For some reason, he didn't want to go home but we couldn't figure out where he wanted to go. After trying to talk to him and reason with him for a little while, I had to just drag him into the house. Then just about everything made him unhappy. We finally decided to just read him stories and put him to bed and after a long nap, Caleb woke up and was quite pleasant the rest of the day.
Sadie's still refusing to walk but she's starting to say something that resembles all gone or all done. She still loves dancing and playing music and tries to get the toys to make music for her like Caleb did.
Saturday evening, I caught them playing peek-a-boo over the coffee table. It was so adorable to see them popping up and down and giggling at each other. Caleb also sat with me for about a half hour looking through the National Geographic magazine. He liked looking at the pictures but there weren't too many animals in this issue. His favorite picture was of the chimpanzee who went into space. We explained the picture to him a little and he proceeded to sing "spaceship panzee, spaceship panzee." Very cute.
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