Well, it looks like the weather finally caught up to the season. I'm definitely ready to put away shorts and sandals and get out the sweaters. But it has been nice to have the kids play outside so much. The sidewalks are, once again, covered in chalk drawings. We're ready for a nice rain to wash it away and start fresh. We haven't been able to get outside too much though. I found a broken bottle in our driveway that left little shards of glass all over. I tried my best to sweep it up but with Sadie crawling and Caleb is almost impossible to keep in shoes, I figured it would be easier to keep them inside.
This weekend we're off to Philadelphia to visit Aunt Betsy and the New Jersey G'ma and G'pa. Caleb is very excited to see Aunt Betsy. Sadie is getting more teeth so this could be an interesting trip. We'll be sure to pack the tylenol.
Andy and I are convinced that Sadie knows how to walk but doesn't like that she can't go very fast so she continues to crawl. She certainly can balance- we've been catching her standing at the fridge, playing music and bouncing up and down without holding onto anything. She's also started just grabbing fingers and taking people for walks. But if you try to let go of her, she either carefully squats down or dives down on the floor and crawls. And she is so quick with her crawling. She's hurt her lip a couple of times because she crawls so fast that she can't keep her arms going fast enough.
Caleb has become our little mimic- repeating everything. He seems to be having fun trying out new words and combinations of words. He's also continuing to try singing. It's hard for him though because he can't remember all the words. Right now, his favorite songs are Ants go Marching, ABCs, Alice the Camel, and Are you Sleeping.
He's also been having fun doing nosey nosey. It's a little game where we touch noses like giving Eskimo kisses. He's given g'mas and g'pas nosey nosey, Sadie, and even gr-g'ma Rogers.
He's also been sitting on the potty a little but we're still no where near potty training.
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