Well, another weekend gone and Sadie's 1st birthday party is gone with it. It was quite a hit. We had the party at Uncle Jason and Aunt Lindsay's house (thanks again guys) that they were so nice to offer up and to frantically finish installing floors for it- they've been gutting and remodeling this house for several years and are in the home stretch but had a lot to do to get it up to party shape. Now, you're probably wondering why we would have the party there of all places... well, our house is just not big enough to fit all of our family in it and Jason's place was conveniently located half way between here (Pittsburgh) and Derry (where all the rest of the family would be coming from). The closer location also made it easier for my grandma to come.
Andy's mom and dad came in Thursday evening to stay in Pittsburgh for the weekend. G'ma brought Caps for Sale which was a big hit with Caleb. He's been going through Mike Mulligan withdrawal having to take that back to the library. They also managed to bring out two ride on toys that were a big hit. One is a tricycle that has a handle out the back so that an adult can help push the kid as he's pedaling. Caleb took that to the park on Friday and loved it but his feet don't quite reach the pedals yet. The other toy is a car that also has a handle for pushing out the back.
For Sadie, they brought her very own baby doll stroller with a baby to ride in it. This was a hit with both kids. Sadie immediately started giving her new baby hugs and Caleb helped her to put in the stroller. Then they took turns pushing it around the room. Sadie was a little wobbly and had trouble leaning too much onto the stroller- then she would fall over. Caleb learned that it was funny to let the stroller drop and say "oh-no, baby go boing."
On Friday there was a lot of playing with the grandparents and getting ready for the party.
Saturday was the big day. We got a bit of a late start and then traveling out, ran into traffic on 376. We didn't get to Jason's until 2:15 (the party started at 2) but it was all family and they understood. The kids had lots of fun running around the big open space and quickly discovered the empty cabinets in the dining room. Sadie had lots of fun crawling into the cabinets and Caleb had fun shutting the doors on her. There were no tops to the cabinets so she could peak out over the edge and laugh.
After playing and snacking for awhile, we opened presents. Caleb helped open and Cousin Claire helped carry around and read the birthday cards. Sadie liked taking the tissue paper out of the bags but seemed a little unsure about it all. She got some really cute outfits and the little people airplane and mini van were a big hit with all the kids. She also got a little toy cd player that makes music and some soft stuffed animals. She's had lots of fun playing with her new toys and standing her ground when big brother tries to take them from her.
Next it was time for cake. She sat in her chair in the center of the room and we all sang. Then it didn't take long for Caleb to start sticking his fingers into the cake- to help her get started. Sadie didn't need any help though. After getting over the feel of the icing, she discovered how it tasted and then there was no stopping her. She had a blast eating her cake and enjoying all the attention. Caleb and Claire sampled her cake too and then tried to share it with the g'pas and g'mas who were watching.
My mom helped me get Sadie out of her chair and we took her to the bathroom to rinse her off and get her into some pjs. She had icing all through her hair but the clothes weren't too bad. In the bathroom, she was very excited because she thought she was getting a bath but there was only a shower stall so Sadie had her first shower and didn't like it very much.
It was only 5 or so when all this ended but everyone was exhausted, so we packed up and came back home. The kids got second winds after resting in the car on the way in and then had fun playing with all the new toys before going to bed.
G'ma and G'pa left Sunday morning before we went to church. And we all spent Sunday afternoon relaxing.
1 comment:
This is a great picture of Sadie! She's adorable. But you knew that! :-)
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