Sadie is one today!! and I think Caleb is more excited about it than she is but what can you expect. Lots has happened in the past year.
Sadie has grown into a tough little monkey. I have to watch her almost constantly because she loves to climb on things and has no fear of falling. At the grocery store she's like Houdini, able to get out of the shopping cart restraints in just 2 minutes. I'm tempted to stop strapping her in altogether because it just seems like I'm only giving her practice. Now she doesn't try to actually get out of the cart itself- she just likes to stand up and bounce and turn around to check everything out- but I think it won't be long before she realizes that she can climb from the seat into the basket.
Sadie very much wants to be a big girl and shows us that all the time. While she is quite capable of climbing up the stairs, she waits for a hand because she wants to walk up like her big brother. She's also gotten very good at coming down the stairs on her own but that still makes me nervous.
Sadie started walking over the past couple of weeks and is building up how many steps she can take. Last night, Daddy reported, she walked for the bathroom cupboard to the toilet while carrying a rubber duck in each hand (very impressive) :-) Sadie loves bathtime. She'll stand next to the tub, watching the water and then she's try to climb in by lifting her leg over the side. She's also started helping to carry her bath toys from the cupboard to the tub. In the tub, she loves standing up and looking at her reflection in the faucets. We had to do away with the bathring months ago because again, she would climb out of it. We're working on getting her to sit in the tub so bathtime can be a bit of a battle.
Her favorite toy is still her "Bear," a little bear head attached to a soft silky bit of blanket- it sounds weirder than it actually looks. Bear is her pacifier and helps her to calm down when she's sad.
Her favorite song is "Itsy Bitsy Spider" but she really loves any music and loves to dance.
Her favorite book is Brown Bear, Brown Bear and we know that because she will actually drag it over to us and sit in our lap to hear it (the only time she ever sits still). She also likes our cloth Noah's Ark book that has removable characters. She'll take out the girl's (Noah's wife and daughter-in-law) and carry them around the room. She really seems to like people. She loves the Little People and sets the up on the couch or lets them ride in the one car that Caleb lets her play with. Sadie also likes cars though and will roll them back and forth on the floor- just like big brother.
Outside, Sadie's favorite thing is the rocking horse (thank you Tom and Theresa for leaving that behind). She has so much fun rocking back and forth on it. She makes us nervous sometimes because she can get a little wild on it.
Sadie is talking a little but not much. She consistently says mama and dada and ba and we've caught her saying all done. I think she's put talking on the backburner while she works on mastering walking.
Also I would not be painting an accurate picture if I didn't mention that the girl loves to eat :-) She will eat anything but not everything ( I'll get to that in a minute). You can't even think of giving Caleb a cracker or a pretzel without giving her one. At dinnertime we're offering her lots of different things. She seems to favor corn. But during meals she'll randomly decide that one bite is not good so she'll drop it on the floor, then eat another bite.
It has been a fun year with this addition to our family. She's such a blessing. We love our Sadie-girl.
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