Monday, November 5, 2007

Sadie's Doctor Visit

We were back at the doctor's today for Sadie's 1 yr checkup. Pretty uneventful except that she has a slight ear infection that we need to watch. This surprised us because she hasn't really showed any symptoms but at least we caught it.

She's 29.5 inches tall and weighs 21 pounds, very average in comparison with other kids.

She got a couple of shots and seemed to handle them really well. She was her happy little self all evening- so I don't think she's going to have a bad reaction to the shots.

Caleb got his flu shot today and really didn't like that but recovered once he got his promised pretzel. In his defense, I had to wake him up from his nap early so we wouldn't be late for the appointment and he's really been needing longer afternoon naps.

that's all for now

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