Friday, January 30, 2009

Dr. Sadie II

The second half of Dr. Sadie's examination. The kids have learned to look for chocolate and peanut butter in our ears.

Okay, I'm done for the night.

Dr. Sadie I

Bear with me, the memory can only record 24 sec. before it dies. We'll be getting a new, larger card soon (hopefully). :-) Enjoy Sadie checking out Daddy with their doctors kit.

Caleb Doing Math

Don't worry, he hasn't really learned how to add and subtract. He's just learned how to read number sentences from a book and he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world.

Silliness this Week

Well, all the snow and ice have kept us home quite a bit this week and the kids have been a bit stir crazy. But in all this there have been some funny moments...

Caleb and Sadie came tearing down the stairs, one after the other giggling and squealing. They ran through the living room, into the dining room, around the table, back to the living room then back upstairs. We could see Sadie carrying a little tiger figure (one of her Little People friends) and while she was running, she was yelling "Tiger gonna catch you Caleb, arrrgh, arrrgh arrggh" This sent Caleb into another giggling fit as he ran up the stairs to get away from the tiger.

This morning at breakfast.

Every morning we have the ritual of asking the kids what they want for breakfast. For Caleb, everyday it's the same thing - a piece of bread with butter on it, raisins and Clifford cereal. Well, with Sadie, you never know what she's going to request. We've been asked for a grilled cheese sandwich, peanut butter sandwich, cookies... you get the idea. This morning she very sweetly asked for some mini-muffins for breakfast. Unfortunately, I only get those when they're on sale and they haven't been on sale for awhile so we had no mini-muffins. I explained to Sadie that I was sorry but that we didn't have mini-muffins this morning. She replied, again very sweetly, "maybe we need to go to the grocery store and get some mini-muffins." Of course :-)

I was able to talk her into an English muffin instead this morning and she seemed quite happy with that. Breakfast continued without problems. Sometimes, Caleb requires a second helping of breakfast (probably because he doesn't eat his dinner all the time). This was one of those mornings. So after Caleb finished his plate, he politely asked for some more to eat. I asked what he wanted and he asked for some "English food" and then to clarify further, some "English bread."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Camera

I just thought I would post a short video clip. We recently got another point and shoot digital camera (since mine finally died) and so once again I will be able to post short video clips. Really short right now because I have a very small memory card. But hopefully we'll get something bigger in the near future.

Enjoy Mr.Caleb-Man and Sadie singing their ABCs

Friday, January 23, 2009

Caleb Silliness

The phone rings. Andy picks up the receiver and says his usual "hello, this is andy." At the same time, Caleb jumps down out of his seat runs into the livingroom and picks up his toy phone and says "hello, thisi is Andy" Then I get to listen to 2 one-sided conversations where Andy is talking on the phone to someone and Caleb is repeating what he hears Andy saying. It was way more comical than I can describe. You'd think after all this, the boy would be more interested in talking on the real phone but nope, that's just not the case.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


As I type this, Caleb and Sadie are curled up in Caleb's "house" (the under part of his bunk) and he is "reading" Curious George to Sadie. In addition to the "house" the bed has also become some what of a stage, where they stand, do their performance and then dart back underneath.

They've been playing nicely since dinner ended. We almost hate to have it end so that they can get ready for bed. I really wish I could snap a picture of this but it wouldn't come anywhere close to doing it justice.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Real Snowman

So, in addition to building the bunkbeds yesterday, we also took some time to play in the snow. After 15 minutes, I was finally able to get Caleb to put on his snowpants. Sadie was ready to go just at the mention of playing outside. It was a little crazy. We've managed to misplace one of Sadie's gloves and Caleb's hat and gloves so it was mostly mommy and daddy making the snowman. The kids had a blast making tracks in the snow and Frosty was built outside the dining room window. So last night, the kids said goodnight to Frosty and this morning remembered to say good morning to him too.

Hopefully we can get some more snow and add a friend.

Oh- and there were no fallouts last night in the new bed. Sadie happily waited for me to help her down this morning. And during the night, Caleb lost his pillow and some covers but that happens almost routinely anyways.

Well, that's the news for the day.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

The New Beds Part II

Yes! We finally got all the pieces and were able to put together the beds this weekend. And yes, Sadie is happily sleeping on top. I don't know how well I'll sleep tonight with her up there but she was heart broken any time I tried to take her off. She also has managed to climb down by herself. Caleb was actually the brave one today and was climbing up and down before Sadie.

The kids love the beds and it looks like they'll provide a little more play space for them. Caleb has already taken to filling the drawers with books and Sadie has her own stash as well up top, in addition to all her "friends."

We've had a really busy day. I'll post more tomorrow.
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Friday, January 16, 2009

play dough

Caleb's first play dough snow man. Yes, since it's only around 10 degrees today, we opted for making snowmen inside. I showed him how to do this but he did it all himself. I was impressed with the face he made.
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

When Sadie Grows Up

Just to clarify... Sadie informed me today that when she grows up, she wants to be a firefighter. So no more triangle, I guess.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Caleb's Word Recognition

We've always been impressed with Caleb's memory. It took him no time at all to learn to say and recognize his letters and numbers. And I've posted both stories and video of him "reading" from memory his story books. With preschool, his teachers have been working on name recognition. He was pretty good at this before he started preschool but has gotten even better with it. He can recognize his name, Sadie, and as Andy discovered last night, he recognizes mommy and daddy. Caleb asked Andy to "right my word" - meaning his name and since we always like to test these guys, Andy wrote Daddy. Caleb say "no, not you Daddy. Write Caleb." Again, Andy wrote Mommy this time. Again Caleb called him on it and said "no, not Mommy"

It's so exciting watching how they learn.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sadie Says III

This evening with Daddy:

Daddy: "And what do you want to be when you grow up, Sadie?"
Sadie: "I want to be a triangle."

after some giggling

Daddy: "Do you want to be an Isosceles or an equilateral triangle?"
Sadie: "An eek-a-la triangle"

so there you have it. Sadie wants to be an equilateral triangle when she grows up and just for the record, Caleb wants to be a big boy when he grows up. :-)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Caleb Says

in the car this morning, coming home from pre-school.

a CD was playing quietly and we had just finished talking about his morning at pre-school when he said. "mommy, we can't see it. can you please turn up the music so we can see it better?"

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sadie Say II

This was out at G'ma Jody and PaPa Pat's in NJ.

Caleb tripped in the dining room over a basket of pine cones and of course, Sadie was there playing little mama to see if he was okay. She came running into the living room, still pointing to the basket, declaring that "Cay-dub fell on da porkypines" After a little thought we were able to figure out that Sadie got pine cones and porcupines a little mixed up. Now Caleb is calling pine cones porcupines even though he knows what really they are. You never know what these guys will come up with. :-)

A couple of pictures from Christmas