Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Camp Weekend

We did it.

We made a trip up to camp- for those of you who don't know, this is my dad's camp in Crossfork, PA (aka the middle of no where) : ) The last time we were there was over our Christmas travels and we just stopped by for a short visit before heading home. This was our first weekend up there with both kids and it went really well. Grammie and Grandpa were prepared with a pack-n-play, high-chair, some toys, a puzzle, and several books that kept Caleb busy the entire time. He had lots of trouble deciding between driving his trucks on the porch or reading books. Sadie loved just sitting on the rug and playing with the over-sized checkers. She would dump them out of the basket and Caleb would clean them up.

The trip up was pretty uneventful until we were just outside of Renovo (a small town about 30 minutes to camp). That's when Caleb got carsick. Now, driving out in this area, there are no places to pull over and take care of things like this. Out in this country, you really need to think about how much gas you have in your car because you don't always know when you'll find the next gas stations.
So, like I said, we were about 10 min. outside of Renovo and had a big mess to clean up. Andy and I put down the windows and did our best to stay calm. Caleb seemed alright given what he was covered in and Sadie seemed alright even though she was not particularly happy at waking up to Caleb being sick.

We got to town and as we were driving to the grocery store, it started pouring down rain. We managed to get everything cleaned up and get Caleb in a new set of clothes (I definitely recommend keeping a change of clothes in the diaper bag for emergency situations). Then we were ready to go the rest of the way to camp. Fortunately, the rest of the trip there and the trip home were uneventful and easier on the stomach since we took a different road home.

At camp, Caleb quickly discovered the new toys and stories and stayed busy playing. We put together Sadie's exersaucer and she just loved sitting and chattering away to everyone. The kids slept well that night, exhausted from not sleeping much on the drive up and then running around, exploring the place. On Sunday morning, Grammie took Caleb out to feed the birds at the bird feeder. He loved throwing handfuls of seed on the ground and then clapping after he was done. He also liked watching for cars from the porch and wrestling with Grandpa in the upstairs bedroom. Then, Sunday night, he watched Cars (the Pixar movie) for the first time.

Monday morning started a little too early for Andy and I with Sadie waking up at 4 and then waking Caleb up. I was able to get him back to sleep and then settle her down but by then it was already 5. We went back to sleep thinking that she would sleep in but she decided it was time to get up at 7:30. Andy took care of her then so that I could get some more sleep. Caleb slept until 9. Once we were all up and fed, it was time to pack up and head home. So that's what we did.

Caleb's new word...

Up at camp, Caleb's new word was "no, no, no". Caleb would say this over and over in a very sweet voice. Sometimes he would be talking and we would hear him say "no, no, no, da da, no, no, no" I want to try to get a video clip of it cause it's so cute.

Friday, May 25, 2007

More talking

Yesterday, Caleb and I were reading Click,Clack Moo and just for fun I asked him what a cow says. He said "mmmm" not exactly moo but close enough for me to be proud of him :)

He also pointed to Sadie's bottle and said "ba".

I think we might finally be getting the hang of this talking thing.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Caleb's video

Andy just taught me a nifty trick- I will attempt to put Caleb's "who is that" video on the page. Let's see if it works....


More Thomas

Caleb's new achievement.... he was able to put his Thomas tracks together by himself this morning. The ends of the tracks go together almost like jigsaw puzzle pieces and they've been frustrating him because he couldn't get them together or a part but that has changed now. I wasn't really even paying attention, just looked up and he had the ring together and was clapping (of course- anything he does gets applause).

Caleb also was giving Miss Jean (the neighbor kisses). She came over to visit and was holding him and giving him hugs when she said "I love you" Caleb responded by kissing her cheek. She then told him to say "I love you". Again, he kissed her cheek. She said "no, say I love you" but he just shook his head.

Sadie continues to enjoy sitting up and eating whatever gets even remotely close to her mouth. When we hold her she'll often just come at you with arms and mouth open, ready to get any part of you in her mouth. She is also the bendiest little thing. Sitting in her carseat today, I thought I thought it was funny that I could only see one leg (I figured she was chewing on her toes). I looked a little closer and yes, she was chewing on one set of toes and holding onto the other set also up by her head.

Here's a cute picture of Sadie I got yesterday.

Friday, May 18, 2007

"Who is that? Who is that?"

Caleb's first phrase!!!

Tonight, we were looking at a new Thomas the Tank Engine book (well, it's actually a catalogue-type thing to keep track of what trains you have) and he started pointing to the trains and it sounded like he was saying "who is that?" This went on for quite a bit with him pointing to different trains, asking "who is that?" and me telling him who it was. I didn't know what to think. We've thought he's said phrases like this before but never with any consistancy and never to really get information. I just let it go and thought I would wait and see if he did it again.

Then, at dinner he started doing it again. He would point to different things and ask "who is that?" So Andy would tell him, "that's Sadie, that's chicken, that's a camera..." This went on throughout dinner and Caleb seemed excited to be getting answers.

Later, before bed we were reading stories and instead of just letting him point to pictures, I waited until he would ask "who is that?"

I'm so excited and relieved and at the same time hoping that this continues. I know he's still well within the normal range for starting to talk but I can't help but worry sometimes that I did something wrong or didn't do something with him and that's why he's not talking. What really worried me is that he hasn't even been interested in trying to copy sounds or use sounds with objects. He's such an independent little guy- no one can make him do what he doesn't want to do. He'll do it how he wants to and when he wants to and I don't know if I'm patient enough for this. He's probably going to make me wait until he's two before he says anything else :-)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's day

Caleb and Grandpa Joe watching the cars.

Sadie taking a ride in the swing.

yesterday was mother's day. my second one as an official mom and my first as a mother of two. it was really nice but not without it's kinks. first off, i didn't really sleep all night- don't really know why either. both Caleb and Sadie slept really well and were quiet all night. i wish i could say the same for some of the lovely people who were around our street. some nice young man thought it would be great to wish the moms happy mother's day at 3 or so in the morning. sad thing is, i don't think the guy was drunk. then Caleb woke up crying just before 6. i think he got cold and was not interested in going back to sleep even though he was still very tired. Andy and i took him downstairs, gave him some milk and a graham cracker and sat with him while he ate. the poor boy was so exhausted he was having a really hard time getting the cracker in his mouth. he tried sticking it in his eye and on his nose before finally getting it right. after that we were able to take him upstairs and lay him down. then we layed down and within 5 minutes, we could hear Sadie rolling around and fussing (it was only 6:30). Andy was very sweet and took her downstairs and gave her a bottle so that i could sleep a little longer.

we made it to church- better late than never -and after that went out to visit my mom's. it was a really nice day.

Caleb News

Caleb is still not talking but continues to amaze us with how much he understands. we're learning songs and parts of the body. he's starting to play ring around the rosy. we sing and he turns around in a circle, when we get to "ashes, ashes" he squats down and waits for the song to end. then he stands back up without actually falling down. i've got him to clap for "if you're happy and you know it" but that doesn't always happen. he'll also do some of "head, shoulders, knees and toes". Andy was teaching him where his legs are and showed him that from you hips down to your feet are your legs. now, when we ask Caleb where his legs are he has to show you his whole legs. it's made it little confusing with the song because some of these parts are called different things.

Sadie News

Sadie has big news. she is starting to sit up by herself. she'll go for a few minutes on her own before she falls over. she loves sitting in the boppy and playing with her playmat toys. today she even folded over to reach the elephant ear on the mat and then was able to sit back up. we think she's ready for her bouncy seat because she just smiles and laughs when i bounce her on my lap.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

first time blogger

so i don't have much time to write because my son seems to have woken up from his nap. i can hear the thumping upstairs as he bounces in his crib. sometimes it sounds like wild elephants are parading around up there.
anyways, this is my attempt to let family and friends know how we're doing and what the rugrats are up to. who knows what else i may write in here.

well, let's see if it works...