Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sadie Fishin'

Dad was so excited to have the kids up to camp for the weekend. It was the weekend of the Snake Hunt and also a good weekend for a first fishing trip. Dad got them each a rod- Caleb's is Spiderman and Sadie's was Barbie (but she doesn't know about Barbie yet so she called it her pink one). Since neither kid had much experience with fishing, and we were standing on rocky shores, next to a creek, I hesitated to put hooks on both rods. We let Dad put a hook and bait on Caleb's rod and Sadie had a weight tied to hers so she could practice casting and reeling. Dad worked very hard trying to hook a fish for them to reel in but it just wasn't happening. He did manage to get one Sat. evening and Sadie got to reel it in (Caleb was sitting in time out). Sadie did a great job of figuring out her reel and was able to make a decent cast more often than not. And several times this weekend we heard her say "Papap, I really, really want to go fishin'." Caleb became very excited about catching seaweed and still squeels about it giggling if you ask him what he caught.

more on the weekend at camp coming soon. now I need to recover :-)

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