Monday, August 13, 2007


So Caleb is surprising us again. We've discovered that the boy can recognize about 3/4 of the alphabet. This came up on Saturday when Daddy was wearing a college t-shirt. We new that Caleb could recognize I and T but then he started pointing to daddy's shirt saying "O, I, C, S, O, N." He got a little mixed up because the D's and the O's looked very similar to him. Later that night, we were reading Kipper's A to Z and he was able to name most of the letters in the book. Then he got his toothbrush, which is Elmo and says that on it, and said "E, L, M, O."

It's crazy thinking that less than a month ago, he didn't talk at all. But the kid is definitely absorbing what's going on around him. I'm amazed at the memory he has not only how quick he'll remember pictures or words in a story but how accurately.

Sadie continues to play peek-a-boo with everything- today she tried a puzzle piece, a block, a burp cloth, and when she doesn't have anything with her, she puts her hands up next to her ears and waits for you to say where's Sadie. She's not walking yet but is becoming very fast at crawling and has even crawled over to the stairs. That might be the next step- crawling up the stairs but I think her legs are a little too short just yet. That might be wishful thinking on my part, though.

Well, I'm off to Georgia for a few days to visit a friend. G'ma from New Jersey will be staying to watch the kids while Andy works. Who knows what Caleb will be saying when I get back.

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